Thursday, October 27, 2005
Whew....what a ride!!
3 days, 2 countries, 3 cities, 5 great meals, 6 boring hours in bus and 8 in the plane.
It was really fun though. Got to meet almost all my cousins and relatives since all were invited for my neice's Barsa (naming ceremony). She was named Tanaya! And she is very cute. Take a look.
So everyone was saying that she looks like my mom. Especially the nose and the cheeks... All I can say that she indeed lacks a 'proper nose' and thus is a member of the "Sans Nose" group of our family! Hehe....
OK! now enough. I should get back to work. There are heaps and heaps of it lying before me. :'(
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Down the memory lane....
I should try to learn that, then I can say at least one phrase in each of the languages.
I was surfing around when I bumped into these. Stuff that used to be on TV when I was in India. This is pure Nostalgia....
Really brought back many many memories. The TV shows that I used to watch. They had this one called "Giant Robot". Found out that it was actually called "Johnny Sokko and his Amazing Flying Robot!". Found some description and pics here
Then there was "The Jungle Book" dubbed in Hindi. The best part was the title song. It went something like, "Chaddi pahen ke phool khila hai phool khila hai" Rough translation is, "A shorts wearing flower has bloomed "... :S:S. Cant seem to find much about it. The names of the characters were changed though. Some of them were hillarious.
And then there were these animations. They were like PSAs but just look at the quality of animation. Just soo cool that one can still find them still. This one: Ek, Anek and Ekta was very pupolar...
Who can forget the songs about multicultural unity. It was so fun to hear all the various languages from India, see all the famous people on TV. I'd wait untill they sang in Marathi and get really excited. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the videos. If anyone has them, please contact me. Would really like to see them again....
I found Mile Sur Mera Tumhara and Baje Sargam originals on mp3s though. Thanks to the guys at "Rtp Desis"..
And finally, this hillarious remake of Mile Sur Mera Tumhara by people from MIT. Its awesome. Man these people ever work??
And by students of UTA....this one is cooler...I think...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Mixed Feeling??...You bet
For me, this week is as mixed as it can get. On one hand I have tons of work to do. On the the other hand I am going to Pune! The worst part is that my weekend trip to Pune is not going to help reduce the work that I have to do.....:'(
But then, I get to meet the cutest girl in the world....:P:P
Sigh...I dread next week. I am going to drown in work.....
But then, a weekend in Pune would be a refreshing change.....maybe thats what I need....
But, my project mates aren't going to be too happy are they??
Thats mixed feeling for you..... Bet it cant get worst than that...can it?
Monday, October 17, 2005
When it Pours!!!
The person who attempted it was unable to speak about it. But I can...
That my life.....:'(
Life was OK last week. Things going on. Slow but steady. And then suddenly today, it starts pouring like never.
I have like a million things to do now and NO time.....
I want more time... Maybe I should try out Uberman Sleep. But that would like give me 3-4 hours more per day. Not enuff!!!
How??? Someone help......pls......
On a more natural note about pouring. Its really gonna pour in Singapore for the next month. Thats what the weatherman says....
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Dasaryachya Shubheccha!!
(cant seem to find my Marathi Fonts)....
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Geeks R Us!!!
Though I'd rate my own...... Though, I dont think I am qualified to be a Geek...
Anyway here goes...
10.I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly.
9.My pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard, and they're like you wanna trade cards? Darn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not my Charizard.
8.A thousand words are worth a picture, and they load a heck of a lot faster.
7.Absolute addressing corrupts absolutely!
6.I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"
5.People say that if you play Microsoft CD's backwards, you hear satanic things, but that's nothing, because if you play them forwards, they install Windows!!
4.I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
(LOL...Sooooo true)
3.You know it's love when you memorize her IP address to skip DNS overhead.
2.There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
(Which of the 10 type are u?)
1.Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you!!!
(Pwns all others!!)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Nature knows no Borders...
Though such events can't be prevented, I feel sad for the people from that region. And even prediction of such, cannot help much since the power of Nature is overwhelming.
What is even saddening is that the region of Kashmir has never seen peace for eons now. I mean I have always heard of the beauty of the Kashmir valley, but it seems that that, is now a thing of the distant memories.
Just when things seem to get a little better for the people, nature decided to unleash its wrath on them. All I can say is.... Nasheeb....
We can learn one thing from this though....Nature does not know borders. It's a human concept. A concept created by those who wanted power and control over others. A natural tragedy like this though can strike over borders, not differentiating between any state, any province, any country, just dealing equal damage to all.
It seems that this event may bring the neighbours closer. Its a pity that such tragic happenings are required to generate friendships between two neighbours. Ah well, beggars cant be choosers.
I hope one day, I will get to see the beautiful Kashmir valley again.....
Friday, October 07, 2005
Of Really Sucky Days.....
*I had slept late and unsatisfied....unable to get any leads on the archi project.....
*Went to have Dosa for breakfast at engin.....Sold Out.....
*My name was called by one prof. and my test results read out to the whole lecture....:$..paiseh lah..
*The freaking bus had to come just then......Its fate I tell U.....
*My favourite headphone muffs decided to die on me today.....
*Found out that I will have to share my Linux machine at I2R with my friend....
*Waited for ISB back from I2R for like 15mins
*Worked on RT for like 6hrs with no result.....stupid RTAI
I hate these days....nothing goes right....
Another unsatisfied nite...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Cool Images.....
Its called CG Channel.
Check out this image. Drawn exclusively on photoshop using bushes all the way. Cool stuff....
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
ECE Professors....
By the grace of god, our department is blessed with a few souls whom I respect with all my heart. How I wish we had more of them....
One of these, is my professor for my EE4**** module from "Communications" concentration. His aim for the course is not to finish the syllabus and satisfy the department guidelines.
He genuinely wants us to learn.(Isn't that unbelievable??) To ease our pressure and to allow us to understand the subject, he cut down the syllabus vigiorouly (and I mean like by 50%).
Not only that, he explains things again and again when we don't get them. For that course, we only get like 10% of the things after the 1st pass. So, that is a great benefit. How I wish some other profs. did that...
Finally, this is what happened today....
*I was having dinner with a friend when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
*I turn around to see my prof!!!
*Uhh...I blurt out a 'Hi'! (Not very polite I say to myslef)
*He starts asking me how I was faring me with the module and all.
*I am soo lost for words. I mean I am so not used to talking casually with profs. (Reminds me of the time when I was in Denmark. There you have to address the profs. by their 1st name. Took me like a whole month to get used to that.)
*So anyway, the prof. asks me about the last chapter that we studies in the lecture and how I felt about it(It was a tough one).
*Then he asks if he should revise it with the class so that we can understand it better.
*I try to give some "pollitically correct" answers. Utterly confused I somehow manage to end the conversation.....
Sigh what a ride!!!
Whats worst, is that prof. thinks I am really good at this module, since I ask him a lot of 'good' qns and I managed to finish the test in like 1/2 the given time. is the truth revealed for you....
1. I hang out this dude who is really good in mathematics and all. He always asks 'good' qns. Not me...I just tag along....
2. I blanked out around 1/2 the time through the test....Thus, I stopped writing....I had not finished. I was not even finished in the end...:(
Anyway....Kudos to you Sir..... You shall be my vote for the best prof. this sem....
Monday, October 03, 2005
Headphones for Dogs....and Whales????
So I am looking for a nice pair of headphones. Not too expensive, but something that gives a nice flat frequency response and undistorted sound at considerably high levels.
With some help I managed to shortlist the Sennheiser HD497.

I was looking for it at a Best Denki store when I chanced upon another headphone from another brand (I seem to forgotten the brand and the model). The technical specs read,"
"Frequency response 20-30000 Hz"
Werent we taught in like secondary that a human ear can only hear between 20-20kHz??
My course in Acoustic (at DTU) also taught me that human hearing was even worst than what was taught in secondary school. To actually hear a sound at 20kHz, you need to a sound that is as loud as a jet engin!!!!
So what do we do with a headphone that can give out a 30000kHz frequency??
What's funier is that most of Sony's headphones sport a frequency response of more than 22kHz! And the more $$ you pay for the pair the more in-audible frequencies your headphones can output!!!
This is exemplified in the Sony MDR-SA5000. Costs US$ 699.99!!! Boasts a frequency response of 5-110,000Hz!!!! And there is no typo here, its "a hundred and ten kilo Hertz"!!!!!!!
The only reason I can think of is that with such headphones, you can not only listen yourself, but let your dog listen as well!!!!
So next time your dog (or your whale) seems bored, go get it a pair of Sony/Sennheiser headphones. And both of you can enjoy the music!

Saturday, October 01, 2005
Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
I watched this movie again yesterday. (Please dont ask me why I am watching movies...:$)
I still find it a very amazing movie. Its a really simple story about an amazing lady named Amélie Poulain. She is played by the lovable Audrey Tautou. The best part is, at the end you feel very nice, very elated. The beauty lies in the simplicity of the movie. The There is no drama, no crying, no fighting, no Kutte...Mein tera khoon pee jaaungaa.
There is this really descriptive and yet captivating narration in many scenes. The jokes are hillarious and the music by Yann Tiersen.... What can I say about the music? You have to listen to it and tell me.
I saw the French version and I feel that its better than the English one. Of course, I don't know much French (You probably don't want to hear the French words that I know..;)) but then what are the sub-titles for??? Also the French language just adds to the simplicity and naiveness of the movie.
I am generally not a big fan of movies, but this is one of my favourite.
So, do watch it if you get a chance (or a torrent...:P:P). And try to watch the French version.
Au Revoir...